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Typhoon Haiyan emergency relief


Nov. 12, 2013


Typhoon Haiyan: Malteser International allocates $134,000 for emergency relief

Relief for 1,000 families on Samar, three tons of medicines to be distributed

Cologne. Malteser International, the Order of Malta’s international relief agency, has allocated 100,000 euros ($134,000) for the initial emergency relief measures in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. In Leyte province, most hospitals are closed, leaving the population in urgent need of medical attention and drugs. “There is an urgent need for antibiotics, basic cold and cough medication, doxycycline for leptospirosis, and diarrhea medicines,” says Odelia Gregorio Arroyo, who coordinates the emergency relief efforts of the Order of Malta in the Philippines together with Malteser International. Three tons of medicines are already on their way to the region.

“As communication improves, the reports are getting worse,” Arroyo adds. “We have not yet received any news from the numerous costal towns and villages affected by the storm surge.  We are only getting a picture of the major cities.

On the neighboring island of Samar, Malteser International is providing 1,000 families with food and hygiene kits. Since the San Juanico Bridge has reopened, the islands can now be reached by land.

“The current situation on Leyte is comparable with the conditions in Sri Lanka and India after the 2004 tsunami,” Arroyo reports. Due to difficulties with transport, the assessment team will only reach Tacloban tomorrow. In order to support the Philippines-based team, Sandra Harlass, Malteser International’s emergency relief and public health expert, is flying to Manila today to coordinate the organization’s humanitarian aid efforts with the UN and other relief agencies.


Attention editors:

Odelia Gregorio Arroyo, emergency relief coordinator for Order of Malta Philippines, and Sandra Harlass, emergency relief and public health expert for Malteser International, are available for interviews in the Philippines. 

About Malteser International:

Malteser International is the humanitarian relief agency of the Sovereign Order of Malta. With over 100 projects annually in some 25 countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas, Malteser International has been standing by those affected by poverty, disease, conflict and disaster, helping them lead a healthy life with dignity – without distinction of religion, race or political persuasion. Christian values and the humanitarian principles build the foundation of its work.

For more information: and



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